Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center

Otolaryngology located in Orlando, FL & Kissimmee, FL

Serving Communities in Florida For 23 Years

The team of providers and staff at Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery are committed to providing high-quality, personalized care for all otolaryngology conditions. From nonsurgical treatments to head and neck surgery as well as facial plastic surgery, patients in Orlando and Kissimmee trust the caring experts at Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery for outstanding, compassionate medical care.

Lead by Wade Han, MD, FACS, a Harvard-trained surgeon with more than 25 years of experience, the skilled medical, audiologist, and administrative team offer the most up-to-date techniques and technology in a warm, friendly environment. Building on a foundation of respect and trust, the team educates and empowers each patient to make informed choices about their individual health.

Services offered at Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery include evaluation and treatment of ear, nose, and throat conditions such as ear infections, allergies, sinusitis, and hearing loss. Surgical options range from functional endoscopic sinus surgery and balloon sinuplasty to cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and other facial plastic surgery procedures.

He is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

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(COrona VIrus Disease 2019)

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When Does a Deviated Septum Require Treatment?
When Does a Deviated Septum Require Treatment?

The nasal cavity inside your nose is important for many reasons, but it can be affected by conditions like a deviated septum. This problem isn’t always dangerous, but when do you need to get medical attention for it?

Breathe Easy this April: Your Guide to Allergy Relief
Breathe Easy this April: Your Guide to Allergy Relief

With the changes in weather often comes sniffling, sneezing, hives, and other signs of allergies for millions. Seasonal allergies are an annoyance that makes your life difficult, but there are ways to breathe easier this Spring.

Little Known Causes of Ear Infections
Little Known Causes of Ear Infections

The ears are essential for us to hear and maintain balance, but unfortunately, problems like ear infections are a common illness that affects them. Read on to find out about some lesser-known causes of infection and how to treat them.


Words from our patients

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    "Been a patient of Dr. Han since 2005. He performed surgery on my sinuses in 2006 and for the first time in years I could actually breathe."

    Jeffrey M.
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    "This doctor is amazing!!! I highly, highly recommend him. I see a lot of doctors with my chronic illness and this one is top notch."

    Jacqueline C.
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    "I had a sinus infections for over a year, I can finally breath and taste again. Many thanks to Dr. Han and company."

    Andrew C.
  • "As always the staff were warm and kind. Dr Han listed to my concerns and addressed them. Cant ask for better office atmosphere. Denise"

    Denise F.
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