Blog Articles

A Closer Look at Allergy Testing

Allergies are something anyone can develop at any age, and they can come from various sources. Allergy tests are very good at identifying allergens and helping you get treatment, so let’s examine how that process works.
Oct 1st, 2024
 Our Favorite Allergy Prevention Strategies

 Our Favorite Allergy Prevention Strategies

Allergies are common and can come from various sources that make you feel miserable. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep it under control, so let’s look at some great tips to prevent allergic reactions. 
Aug 5th, 2024
Myths and Facts About Ear Tubes

Myths and Facts About Ear Tubes

Your ears need to stay clear for air and fluid to travel through, and many problems can make that simple function difficult. Ear tubes are a surgery done to help, but there is a lot of confusion about their use and safety. Let’s get the facts.
Jul 19th, 2024
What Causes Allergies in Adulthood?

What Causes Allergies in Adulthood?

Allergies are a problem that can affect people for a variety of reasons, including environmental factors and specific foods or substances. But what is likely to lead to allergies in adults? Read on to find out more.
Jun 18th, 2024
When Does a Deviated Septum Require Treatment?

When Does a Deviated Septum Require Treatment?

The nasal cavity inside your nose is important for many reasons, but it can be affected by conditions like a deviated septum. This problem isn’t always dangerous, but when do you need to get medical attention for it?
May 2nd, 2024
Breathe Easy this April: Your Guide to Allergy Relief

Breathe Easy this April: Your Guide to Allergy Relief

With the changes in weather often comes sniffling, sneezing, hives, and other signs of allergies for millions. Seasonal allergies are an annoyance that makes your life difficult, but there are ways to breathe easier this Spring.
Apr 2nd, 2024
Little Known Causes of Ear Infections

Little Known Causes of Ear Infections

The ears are essential for us to hear and maintain balance, but unfortunately, problems like ear infections are a common illness that affects them. Read on to find out about some lesser-known causes of infection and how to treat them.
Mar 18th, 2024

Will Sinusitis Resolve on Its Own Over Time?

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, are a common problem in the fall and winter months and can leave you clogged, tired, and irritated. There are ways to manage the condition, but will it eventually disappear? Read on to find out more.
Feb 1st, 2024

Which Type of Hearing Loss Are You Experiencing?

Problems with hearing loss affect millions of people of all ages, and how your problems get treated will depend on what kind of loss you’re dealing with. Read on to find out your problem and how it can be helped.
Jan 9th, 2024
Help! My Bed Partner Keeps Me Up at Night Snoring

Help! My Bed Partner Keeps Me Up at Night Snoring

Sleeping is important for everyone, but if you’re trying to sleep with the sound of your partner snoring, it can be a chore to get a good night’s rest. Read on to learn more about what may cause that snoring and what you can do about it.
Nov 15th, 2023
4 Complications of an Untreated Deviated Septum 

4 Complications of an Untreated Deviated Septum 

We underappreciate our noses, observing whether we like how they look but ignoring their vital function in keeping us alive. Problems that obstruct them, like a deviated septum, can lead to complications. Read on to find out more.
Oct 9th, 2023
Got OTC Hearing Aids? You Should Still See an Audiologist

Got OTC Hearing Aids? You Should Still See an Audiologist

Hearing is a vital way we process information and maintain balance, and hearing loss can affect how we interact with the world. Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids are here to make hearing more manageable, but you should still see a specialist.
Sep 1st, 2023
Rhinoplasty Recovery: What to Expect After Your "Nose Job"

Rhinoplasty Recovery: What to Expect After Your "Nose Job"

There are several types of plastic surgery that can serve both cosmetic and medical purposes, including rhinoplasty, which alters the size and shape of your nose. Read on to find out what to expect during and after this procedure.
Aug 8th, 2023
Why Am I Prone to Developing Sinusitis?

Why Am I Prone to Developing Sinusitis?

Most people deal with sinusitis at some point, but experiencing it repeatedly can lead to other problems. Find out why you’re struggling with chronic sinusitis.
May 15th, 2023
Understanding the Two Types of Hearing Loss

Understanding the Two Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something you might experience at any age for a multitude of reasons, and there are two main types. Read on to find out what they are and how we can help.
Feb 14th, 2023
Why Do I Have Frequent Nosebleeds?

Why Do I Have Frequent Nosebleeds?

Epistaxis, or nosebleeds, are very common, but generally only last a short period of time. If you find yourself dealing with nosebleeds for long periods of time, or have them often, it may be due to underlying health concerns.
Jan 10th, 2023
Can Snoring Be Dangerous to My Health?

Can Snoring Be Dangerous to My Health?

Most of us snore occasionally and assume it’s more irritating to others rather than dangerous. But are there times when snoring indicates an underlying condition? Read on to find out.
Nov 1st, 2022
Why Would I Need a Rhinoplasty?

Why Would I Need a Rhinoplasty?

Whether you’re having functional problems with your nose or want to change the way it looks, rhinoplasty can help. Read on to find out more.
Oct 11th, 2022
Help! My Baby Keeps Getting Ear Infections

Help! My Baby Keeps Getting Ear Infections

Ear infections are extremely common in children, and recurring infections can be expected in some children. Learn how our care experts can help you navigate your baby’s multiple ear infections.
Jul 1st, 2022
Top Treatments for Allergies

Top Treatments for Allergies

If you’re one of the millions of people living with allergies, you already know how uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, spring can be. Treating your allergies is not only the way to get relief but also to prevent them from getting worse.
Jun 1st, 2022
Why Do I Keep Getting Ear Infections?

Why Do I Keep Getting Ear Infections?

Ear infections are miserable to experience, and sometimes, they come back. If you’ve been dealing with chronic ear infections, our ENT specialist can help you.
May 1st, 2022
Am I a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery?

Am I a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery?

You only live once, and you should love your reflection. Plastic surgery won’t give you a new life, but it has given many a new lease on life. If you’re considering plastic surgery, read on to see if you could be a candidate.
Apr 3rd, 2022
What Is It Like Adjusting to a Hearing Aid?

What Is It Like Adjusting to a Hearing Aid?

As precious as our hearing is, we can lose it in part, or completely, necessitating a hearing aid. Getting used to your new device, however, may bring up some questions, all of which we’re happy to answer.
Mar 3rd, 2022
All About Chronic Sinusitis

All About Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a miserable condition that affects millions of people. Fortunately, we offer treatments that can bring the relief you’ve been waiting for.
Feb 1st, 2022
6 Complaints Rhinoplasty Can Fix

6 Complaints Rhinoplasty Can Fix

Nose jobs aren’t just cosmetic — they can help with a variety of health issues that affect your everyday life. For six ways that a nose job can help you, read on.
Jan 4th, 2022
5 Benefits of Immunotherapy for Allergies

5 Benefits of Immunotherapy for Allergies

Are you an allergy sufferer? Find out more about immunotherapy, a long-term allergy treatment that doesn’t require you to take medicine daily or every couple of hours — making allergy season more fun.
Dec 8th, 2021
How Long Do Ear Infections Last?

How Long Do Ear Infections Last?

Ear infections are extremely common in children, but they can also occur in adults. Painful though they may be, they’re easily treatable and curable. Read on to learn more about how long ear infections last, and what you can do.
Nov 3rd, 2021
Treating Your Deviated Septum

Treating Your Deviated Septum

It can happen to anyone, and thankfully, it can be fixed: A deviated septum can be an uncomfortable experience and cause complications later. Learn about the symptoms of a deviated septum and what you can do about it.
Sep 6th, 2021
Understanding the Different Causes of Sinusitis

Understanding the Different Causes of Sinusitis

Allergy season is horrible for many people. Not only are the typical allergy symptoms present, but some may experience an allergy-related respiratory illness like sinusitis. Read on to understand what causes this condition.
Aug 5th, 2021

What Can I Do About My Snoring?

Snoring is just an annoyance to some, but for others, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you or a loved one snores, especially if the snoring is followed by interrupted sleep, we may be able to help you.
Jul 14th, 2021

Are You a Candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?

Minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty can help with a lot of sinus problems, including chronic headaches, facial pain, and other issues. Read on to learn whether this procedure is right for you.
May 4th, 2021

Take Years Off Your Face With Blepharoplasty

Drooping eyelids develop because the skin around the eye loses elasticity. An eyelid correction called blepharoplasty tightens skin, removes bags under your eyes, and reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and fat accumulation, taking years off your face.
Apr 13th, 2021

Tips for Preventing Wax Buildup in Your Ears

You know you’re not supposed to clean your ears by sticking anything -- including a finger -- into your ear canal. But the feeling of waxy buildup is uncomfortable. How can you prevent ear wax from becoming an annoyance?
Mar 11th, 2021

How Serious Should I Take My Ear Complications

Ear infections are a common condition that can lead to more serious issues if they go untreated. If you or a loved one develops symptoms, consulting with your doctor early on can not only bring relief sooner but lower the risk of serious complications.
Dec 1st, 2020

Non-cosmetic Reasons to Get a Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can give you a nose that better suits the contours of your face. But did you know it can also help improve your breathing and prevent sinus infections? Learn more about the benefits of rhinoplasty and how it’s done.
Nov 1st, 2020

Understanding Balloon Sinuplasty

Nearly everyone has had a sinus infection at one time or another, but for some people, it’s a constant, uncomfortable situation. Balloon sinuplasty might be the best solution if you’re one of those people.
Oct 5th, 2020

Which Type of Hearing Aid Is Right for Me?

If you struggle with your hearing, you might have concerns about choosing the best device for you. Our expert team of audiologists can give you the guidance you need and help you make the right decision. Keep reading to learn more.
Sep 4th, 2020

5 Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

While snoring can annoy your partner and interfere with a good night’s sleep, it can also be a sign of sleep apnea. Without treatment, sleep apnea can cause serious health issues.
Aug 13th, 2020

ENT Care and COVID19: What You Should Know

As a respiratory illness, COVID-19 produces a number of symptoms that affect your nose and throat. Here’s what you should know about ENT care and the coronavirus pandemic.
Jul 16th, 2020

Causes of Sinusitis

When infection or irritant inflames the tissues inside your sinuses, you may experience a blocked nose, reduced sense of smell, and facial pain. Why did you develop this condition? Read on to find out the common causes of sinusitis.
Jun 12th, 2020

5 Tips for Keeping Spring Allergies at Bay

You may be looking forward to warmer weather, but if you have allergies, the return of spring can bring red eyes, sneezing, and a sore throat. Read on to learn how you can keep spring allergies at bay this year!
Apr 22nd, 2020

Sinusitis: When Your Symptoms Aren't Just a Common Cold

If you’re one of the 28.9 million people in the United States that suffers from chronic sinusitis, what you think are cold symptoms may be something more serious. Learn more about the differences between the common cold and chronic sinusitis.
Jan 1st, 2020

Myths and Facts About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, better known as a nose job, is a common cosmetic procedure. However, despite its popularity, there are many myths surrounding the procedure that may affect your decision about whether the procedure is right for you.
Oct 1st, 2019

Tips to Combat Allergies Year-Round

If you struggle with allergy symptoms all year long, you don’t have to suffer anymore. We can help identify your triggers and get your watery eyes, stuffy nose, and sneezing under control — no medication required.
Sep 1st, 2019

Don’t Procrastinate Treating Your Sleep Apnea

An estimated 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, a chronic disorder that causes momentary pauses in respiration and disrupts your normal sleep cycle. Find out why treatment is so important—and why you shouldn’t put it off.
Aug 16th, 2019